Career Progression
There are lots of ways in to a career in Early Learning and Childcare. Plus if you have relevant qualifications and experience, you’ll be able to progress further, faster.
Tip: You can get a job as a Support Worker without any relevant qualifications, as long as you achieve a relevant qualification within a few years.
Tip: You can get a job as a Practitioner without any relevant qualifications, as long as you achieve a relevant qualification within a few years.
Tip: You can become a Lead Practitioner after working in Early Learning and Childcare and gaining the relevant qualifications and experience.
Good to know
You can progress in childcare at your own pace and, as time goes on, you can make decisions about your own learning and career development.
Find ways to get a job in childcareScottish Social Services Council can help you get into ELC
There are lots of routes into ELC and on top of that, there’s no set career path. To find out what a career in childcare could look like for you – or to see if your existing qualifications or experience could help – contact the Scottish Social Services Council.
Want to know more about the day-to-day role?
Watch our ‘Day in the Life’ video to find out how you could be spending your time as an Early Learning and Childcare Practitioner.
“Thòisich mi air Preantasachd Ùr-nòsach Cùram Sòisealta Ìre 3 san Lùnastal 2014. Tha mi a-nis nam mhanaidsear air companaidh cùram-cloinne co-thaiceil Gàidhlig, is suas ri 70 leanabh againn gach latha.“
“I started my Level 3 Social Care Modern Apprenticeship in August 2014. I am now manager at a Gaelic wraparound care company, with up to 70 children each day.”
Janey MacPhail
Early Learning and Childcare Manager