Kyle Ballingall, Early Learning and Childcare Assistant, Perth and Kinross

Kyle Ballingall

Inch View Nursery, Perth and Kinross

During secondary school, I worked with young children regularly through sport and exercise in various holiday camps, coaching roles and sports clubs. I left school and studied Sports Coaching at Perth College, then decided to travel abroad for two years. When I moved back to Scotland, I knew I was ready to pursue my desired career in Early Learning and Childcare. Instead of going to University, I applied for a Play Assistant post in a nursery as I felt I could further my knowledge and utilise my skillset.

The biggest surprise about the role is number of parents and staff who have said how great it is to have a male presence in the nursery. In Early Learning and Childcare, you become a role model and the children aspire to be more like you so everything that you say, do or act like, they mirror which makes this role very important as good habits picked up in early years will stay with children in years to come. Your influence helps children’s development and they will never cease to surprise and amaze you.

The most rewarding part of the job is at the end of the year when you’re able to reflect on how much the children have developed. It’s amazing to watch them become independent as they continue their journey in education to primary school.

There are many benefits to working with children and it’s such a rewarding job. Many people are unaware of the development and training opportunities on the job. I’ve come a long way since the beginning of my career, and I’m looking forward to starting my BA in Childhood Practice next September.

ELC Stories

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Equity and Excellence Leads


The Scottish Government recently created a new role in ELC to help ensure we close the attainment gap.

Gemma Paterson, Equity and Excellence Lead, Grangemouth


"I get immense job satisfaction seeing the children and staff thrive because of initiatives I’ve helped to implement."

Kyle Izatt, Early Years Practitioner, Fife Council


"I have always been a creative individual and I’m lucky to get many opportunities to use my creativity at work."