Steven White, Nursery Manager, Perthshire

Steven White

Nursery Manager
Steven White, from Edinburgh, lives and works as a nursery manager in Perthshire.


Training and career progression

Before beginning his career in Early Learning and Childcare, Steven was working as a supply lecturer in Outdoor Education and was studying for a Post Graduate Diploma in Outdoor Education, as well as lecturing for two colleges in Scotland.

Steven started out as an Early Learning and Childcare Practitioner and completed his SVQ3 on the job.

For Steven, the most enjoyable part of his job as nursery manager is having the ability to share his time between nurturing the children’s education, and supporting the careers and building the confidence of the staff he works with and manages.

Steven has big ambitions and hopes to open his own nursery practice over the next five years, and deliver a consultancy service that offers both in-house and external training for Early Learning and Childcare Practitioners.

What working in Early Learning and Childcare is like

On working in Early Learning and Childcare, Steven said: “I believe that if we are to make a significant shift in our society, then Early Years Education is where such changes should begin. The way we connect with children provides the building blocks for how they perceive themselves in the future. Their inner voice is created in these Early Years and we have a responsibility to nurture the very best in our children for them to become the best they can be throughout life.

“The reality of working in Early Learning and Childcare can be difficult, but the ability of our youngest children to learn beyond what is regularly thought of as their perceived best, how adaptable children are, and how willing they are to engage in new experiences never ceases to surprise me.

“For anyone considering a career in Early Learning and Childcare, I’d say, keep an open mind and expect to be challenged from the very core of your beliefs. Enjoy every minute, because it will fly past you in the blink of an eye, and don’t get caught up taking things too seriously. Remember to have fun!”

ELC Stories

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Equity and Excellence Leads


The Scottish Government recently created a new role in ELC to help ensure we close the attainment gap.

Gemma Paterson, Equity and Excellence Lead, Grangemouth


"I get immense job satisfaction seeing the children and staff thrive because of initiatives I’ve helped to implement."

Kyle Izatt, Early Years Practitioner, Fife Council


"I have always been a creative individual and I’m lucky to get many opportunities to use my creativity at work."